Wednesday, May 17, 2017

3rd Annual Silent Auction–May 17, 2017

Thanks go to Sheri, Blanch, Judy and Sheila for coordinating this event for the third and most successful year. 



We raised $170 to offset the cost of our fancy luncheon which is scheduled for June 30th at the beautiful Atlantic City Country Club.  This will bring our cost down from $32 to $21.  And…..we had a great afternoon to boot. Smile  Last year, we raised $62.  What a difference a year makes! 


Bagel Gourmet catered the lunch except for the desserts, which were provided by our own resident baker, Sheila!


I think almost everyone left with one of the many items that were donated.    But….the BIG WINNER was definitely Roberta!


Here are some random pics. Smile


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