Thursday, September 1, 2011

Luncheon at Sheri’s and viewing of Eastern State Penitentiary “Paranormal Challenge” National Geographic Special 9/1/11

Today 15 Happy Hatter’s gathered at Sheri’s for lunch and to view the National Geographic Special about the Eastern State Penitentiary and paranormal activity.   Evidently, it is widely known that ghosts inhabit the penitentiary.     Yikes.     Big Thanks go out to Sheri for hosting our lively  group.     We enjoyed sandwiches, salads, a fantastic casserole and Sheri’s award winning cheesecake.   Smile
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Sheila DuPuy, a friend of Sheri’s and the Happy Hatters',  greeted us at the door and announced she would be helping to make today’s lunch a special event.    “Thank you Sheila” 

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Sue gave us last minute details about our plans for September 7th.   We should arrive at Absecon Train Station by 8:45 to catch the 9:02 train into the 30th Street Station.    From there we’ll share cabs to the Penitentiary and have a private tour by the renowned  tour guide, “Toby”.    Lunch will follow at Jack’s Firehouse.      We should have about $50 in cash to cover our taxi, tour, lunch and incidentals.  We also should pick up our train tickets in advance.   
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Jill, Carol, Margie and Dorothy.

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Marge, Marlene and Terry

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Joan, Connie, Marge and Marlene
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Marie, Karen, Sue and Joan
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Our hostess, The Fabulous Sheri
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The Two “Judy’s” Smile
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Marie, Marge and Sue
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2011 Sept Sheri luncheon 014
Eastern State was the world’s first true penitentiary, a prison designed to inspire penitence—or true regret—in the hearts of criminals.   The original seven cellblocks spread like the spokes of a wheel, and had running water and central heat before the White House.

It’s vaulted, sky-lit cells held many of America’s most notorious criminals, including bank robber “Slick Willie” Sutton and “Scarface” Al Capone.

The prison stands today in ruin, a haunting world of crumbling cellblocks and a surprising, eerie beauty.

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