Friday, June 30, 2017

Renewal Luncheon Atlantic City Country Club–June 30, 2017

Well, another year has come and gone and the Happy Hatters are still going strong.  Our first luncheon at the Atlantic City Country Club was impressive.  The room was perfect for us and the view of the Golf Course and Atlantic City skyline was beautiful.  The cost was basically the same as the Rams Head and from the feedback that I received, the ladies seem to have preferred ACCC. 


This year we celebrated 11 years as The Happy Hatters of Smithville!  In those 11 years, we enjoyed more activities than I can count.   During our luncheon we viewed a slide show of the many wonderful events that we participated in. 

We also planned our next season…….

July 20 – Balic Winery tour and lunch at Mama Maria’s – Elaine W and Carol W

August – Janet and Marlene – painting in the clubhouse and possibly Hairspray at the Surflight Theater.

September – Karen -  Cape May Ferry to Lewes Delaware for shopping and lunch

October – Jill and Eileen TBA

November – Elaine H TBA

December – Catherine, Lorraine and Kathy – Holiday event TBA

January 2018 – Judy L, Marion, Joan – BUNCO with lunch at the clubhouse


March – Marlene, Lynnda, Irene, Marion – Bowling or a movie

April – Susan and Donna – Tour of Cape May Angel of the Sea and Congress Hall with lunch TBA

May – Sheri, Judy W, Sheila, Blanch – Silent Auction/Lunch/Fundraiser

June – Karen and Cora – Renewal Lunch

July 2018 – Joyce and Cora – Walnut Street Theater – Mama Mia

Note:  all of our plans are subject to change at our whim. Smile LOL


Presenting….the gorgeous……Happy Hatters of Smithville


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Film Noir Exhibit–Ocean City Arts Center–Flander’s Hotel June 20,2017

Thanks Sheri for organizing our trip to Ocean City.  The exhibit was interesting and lunch at the Flander’s Hotel was terrific.  We even got some shopping in at the hotel gift shop.  



Monday, June 5, 2017

Chocolate Dipping Demo and Luncheon–June 5, 2017

Thank you Lynnda and Marlene for a wonderful afternoon at the Smithville Inn.  The chocolate dipping demo was great!  And, as always, lunch was fantastic.  Here are some random pics.
