Sunday, December 10, 2017

Flanders Hotel High Tea–December 10, 2017

BIG THANKS to Catherine and Kathy for coordinating our Holiday High Tea at the beautiful Flanders Hotel in Ocean City.  It was a beautiful afternoon complete with traditional tea service, a harpist and a gorgeous ballroom.  Very special!



Thursday, September 14, 2017

Cape May Winery Encore September 13, 2017

Thanks go to Marlene and Lynnda for coordinating our tour to the Cape May Winery.   Our group took this tour in 2012 and absolutely loved it, so we decided it would be nice to go back.  Once again, it didn’t disappoint.  The winery has been remodeled and is absolutely beautiful.  We had rain when we first arrived, but by the time we had our initial tasting, the rain stopped and we were able to continue our tour.




After our tour, we returned to the tasting room for cheese, crackers and fruit…..and wine of course. 


Then, on to the bar to make our purchases!


We really enjoyed our day here once again. 


Afterwards some of us went to Mad Batter in Cape May for lunch!