Thursday, December 13, 2012

Seaview Holiday Lunch–December 13, 2012

The Happy Hatters joined the six other Red Hat Chapters in our community for the 2nd Annual Red Hat Holiday Luncheon.   Over one hundred beautiful ladies arrived at the Seaview as a sea of purple and red.   Once again, the Seaview did a fabulous job. 
Sheila and Jill in the lobby as we waited for the doors to open.   Check out Sheila’s glam gloves!  Smile
Patti Spetter of the Seasonette’s arrives.
A group of “Seasonette’s” meet for some holiday cheer in the Pub. Smile
Above – The Happy Hatter’s seated at 3 tables.   Thanks Marie S for helping me with the details.   
2012 RH Xmas Luncheon 013
The Fabulous Happy Hatters!
2012 RH Xmas Lunch 003
The Devonshire Dames!
2012 RH Xmas Luncheon 021
The Seasonette’s
2012 RH Xmas Luncheon 024
The Red Hot Momma’s
2012 RH Xmas Luncheon 030
Reddy for All Seasons
2012 RH Xmas Luncheon 031
The National Ingenue’s