Friday, June 15, 2012

High Tea at the Happy Hatter Tea House– June 15, 2012

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Today we met at the home of Q-Karen to celebrate our five years as Happy Hatter’s and renew our chapter for another year of fun and friendship.  

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A big thanks goes out to everyone who helped to make our Tea an event to remember.  Tea pots, tea cups, tablecloths plus tables and chairs were delivered in the days prior – plus “the food”.   OMG – THE FOOD – tea sandwiches of every kind – and OH!  THE DESSERTS.  This group of fabulous ladies know how to throw a party!    And, thanks to Terry and Cora for helping to coordinate our day.   And of course – THANKS to dear old KOS, for moving furniture, delivering and picking up tables, chairs and food – washing dishes --  baking his famous scones – taking pictures, making our year in review video ---- and most of all – putting up with me plus 25 crazy women in purple and red!

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And – then they came!

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As always, this is the time that we renew as Happy Hatter’s for another year and set up our schedule.   Here’s what we agreed on for the next 12 months ---

July 14th – Karen – Basket making at the Noyes

August -  nothing set up – thinking about either Batsto or Leamings Gardens with lunch at the Tuckahoe Inn.   Any other idea’s anyone??

September – Jill, Eileen and Catherine

October – Sheri and Judy W.  -  maybe Philadelphia

November – Sheila and Jeannie – Spa Day (spa to be announced) 

December – Karen and Marie S. – Holiday celebration – Probably Seaview for lunch and maybe a play or concert (depending on what’s available)

January/February – Connie – Movie at the clubhouse with Loretta Conte

March – Susan, Donna and Marie C.

April – Carol, Margie and Sue S.

May – Marlene, Marge N. and Elaine

**May 28th-29th –30th – Red Hats at the Beach – Wildwood  -    Karen – I’ll get the details on this sometime in January and will let everyone know.

June – Karen, Terry and Cora – Renewal

Of course – if anything comes up that looks interesting – just get in touch with me and we’ll go! 

And – we’ll always try to see the Chick Flicks!  Smile

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