Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Hatters Go Wild in Wildwood----Red Hats At The Beach–May 29-31, 2012


Our first multiple day outing as Happy Hatters was an absolutely awesome experience.  We had the time of our lives, laughed till we cried, ate, drank, danced the night away and every so often,  we rested.   Sheri, Elaine, Sheila and I joined about 125 feisty ladies from New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania and of course, New Jersey.  There was no doubt who the “Jersey Girls” were.  Smile LOL   They came by bus and car.  The atmosphere over the three days was one of friendship, sistership and of course - fun. Every single lady was happy to share stories of their experiences as Red Hatters.  They were outrageous! 

From the time we arrived on Tuesday afternoon until we left after lunch on Thursday – everything was included in the price.   (except for our wine at dinner)  All meals – breakfast, high tea, dinners and shows plus transportation on the trolley.

  Tuesday, we were greeted at a welcome reception with unlimited wine and sandwiches.  

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The Port Royal Hotel was beautiful and the staff couldn’t have been friendlier or more welcoming.  Our rooms had balconies and ocean/pool views.  They were well appointed with comfy linens, flat screen TV’s, refrigerators, and a sitting area.    It appeared that most of us occupied the 5th floor.  

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After the Welcome Reception, we settled down in our rooms and rested before we were instructed to meet in the lobby to board our trolley to “Flip-Flops” for dinner and a comedy show.

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The food was mediocre, but the entertainment was excellent.   This talented entertainer (Vinnie, the Italian) – not only was a comedian – but a musician and vocalist as well.   Pictured above he did impressions of the Blues Brothers, Stevie Wonder, and Aretha Franklin – plus others.   He truly had the room in stitches.  Vinnie, a pharmacist and entertainer that travels the country – was an unexpected surprise.   We didn’t imagine that the entertainment would have been as great as it was.  

After the show, our trolley took us back to the hotel where I held my nightly “afterparty” .  Oh yes – Sheri and I do not travel without our red wine.   Smile

On Wednesday, we had a full breakfast in the restaurant at the hotel and boarded our trolley at 10:00 AM  for our tour of Cape May – The Lighthouse – and high tea at The Butterfly Tearoom.  The weather was less than desirable – but there’s nothing that could dampen the spirits of these fabulous women.

Wildwood May 2012 034Wildwood May 2012 036Wildwood May 2012 038Wildwood May 2012 039Wildwood May 2012 043Wildwood May 2012 044The Butterfly Tea Room was adorable.  The owner introduced herself and told us a little about the menu and the teas that she would be serving in the antique tea cups and tea pots.  We started with a warm and outstanding scone – followed by a tomato basil soup – and of course the usual tea sandwiches and small desserts.  Everything home made. 

Wildwood May 2012 045Wildwood May 2012 046Wildwood May 2012 048Wildwood May 2012 051Wildwood May 2012 053Wildwood May 2012 056Wildwood May 2012 058  There were 2 other tours that other groups did – one to Smithville Inn and the Village  Smile LOL   and another that they called “Oh Those Wildwood Days”, where they rode the tram, lunched at Jumbo’s, rode the merry-go-round and made Sand Castles.  We were delighted with our choice.  Although Cape May isn’t new to any of us, it is always delightful. 

After a stop for some shopping, we couldn’t wait to get back to our hotel, kick off our shoes and rest up before our “Beach Party” at the Convention Center. 

Since it was our first time (this was the 3rd Annual Red Hat’s At the Beach event), we didn’t know what to expect. 

Here we are in the lobby before we boarded our trolley.

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So, we weren’t exactly dressed for a “beach party” which we found out as we arrived at the Convention Center.

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What a sight we were!  A sea of purple and red at it’s best.

But – we were floored when we saw what some of the other groups were wearing!   We laughed till we cried. Smile

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I don’t know who was funnier – the ladies, or the entertainer. 

Dinner was a buffet and was much better than the night before and certainly better organized and more comfortable. 

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By now, Sheri was ready to flush my camera down the toilet!  Smile 

Then – the dancing began.   You may be asking how you can have “dancing” at a party with all women?   Well, there was The Stroll, The Electric Slide, YMCA, SHOUT, Celebrate, and more line dances than I knew existed.  We danced, and we danced, and we danced until we couldn’t stand up another minute.  Thank God for wine!   Smile

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After a rousing good time, we were chauffeured back to the hotel in our ever-ready trolley where some of us continued our “after-party”, before crashing for the night. 

After a full breakfast on Thursday (and some Motrin), we had free time in the morning to relax, pack and get ready for our poolside barbecue lunch.

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We were sorry to have to leave and vowed that we would be returning next May for the 4th Annual Red Hats at the Beach!  This event is held every year from the day after Memorial Day to the Thursday following.   So – keep that in mind and I hope more of you will join us for a rousing good time – sans MEN.

Now that we know what to expect, we’ll be more prepared to dress in keeping with the theme – whatever that will be next year.   We spoke to the organizer, Krista – who said she just may go back to the “formal” night at the Convention Center – as they did last year.   If you’d like to see some pictures of last year’s event, you can find them on the facebook page – just search – Red Hats At The Beach-Wildwood.