Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Girls Gone Wild! Hatter’s Holiday Lunch at Seaview–December 13, 2011

Oh what a day it was!   Eighty-two fabulous women decked out in their purple outfits and red hats came together in sistership to enjoy a fantastic  holiday  lunch at the Seaview.  
2011 Seaview 001
Pictured above are some of the ladies from The National Ingenues.   Queen Mom, Nita Heyman (second from right standing).

The National Ingenues

The Seasonette’s –  Quad Queens – Lynnda Wilby, Marie Rosato, Patty Spetter, and Rosemary Forsyth

The Happy Hatter’s – Queen Mom – Karen Skruodys (4th from left)

Scarlet O’Hatters – Queen Mom Linda Pemberton (2nd from left)

Reddy for all Seasons – Queen Mom Marguerite Downer (center seated)

2011 Seaview 016
Hats R Us – Queen Mom Maria Clapp (2nd from right)
Big Thanks to Marguerite Downer and Reddy for All Seasons for their rendition of “Making Woopee”
2011 Seaview 023
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“Making Woopee”
We’re having fun
We’ve come of age
Now we’re not stuck
In any cage
We’re always reddy
Because we can be
For Making Woopee

Our purple gowns
And Hats of Red
Show that we’re very
Far from dead
Oh yes, we’re giddy
And sometimes silly
While Makin’ Woopee

We’re just a bunch of ladies
Enjoying the life we live
We may be a little crazy
But we’ve a lot to give
So don’t forget
We’re far from old
We’re just hot stuff
We’re never cold
It’s really killing
How we’re so willing
The Happy Hatters would like to wish all of our Red Hat sisters a happy healthy holiday season.  All agreed that it was wonderful for all of us to come together and we hope to continue this tradition again next year.   

Friday, October 21, 2011


Arrived about 11:00 AM after a 1 1/2 hour drive from Smithville to Hamilton.   Since there was a guided tour scheduled for 1:00 we changed our lunch reservation to 11:30 so we could enjoy the tour.
2011 oct sculpture garden 007
Seward Johnson conceived of Grounds for Sculpture and opened it in 1992 on the site of the former New Jersey State Fair Grounds.   With a mission to promote an understanding and appreciation of contemporary sculpture deeply rooted in the conviction that art belongs in the lives of everyone, Grounds For Sculpture fulfills that mission in multiple ways.   The journey through Grounds For Sculpture can be largely self-directed, requires no prior art education and progressively leads visitors to appreciate more challenging work.   It is also why there are so many ways to enjoy the park.  
More than 250 sculptures by renowned and emerging contemporary artists are thoughtfully positioned on meticulously landscaped parklands ful of thousands of exotic trees and flowers—many by founder, Seward Johnson.  
Lunch at Rats was fantastic.    We were seated inside the restaurant, but there was a beautiful patio area with wood burning fireplaces and heaters where many people were having lunch next to the lake.  
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Why the name Rats?
In Kenneth Grahame’s classic, “The Wind in the Willows,” one of Seward Johnson’s favorite books, the character Ratty represented everything a host should be.   As founder of Rat’s and Grounds For Sculpture, Mr. Johnson likens himself to Ratty who threw the best parties and served the finest wine.   Likewise the two share delightful imaginations and far-reaching dreams.
Grounds For Sculpture’s charming Restaurant, Rat’s, conceived as part of sculptor Seward Johnson’s vision, is designed to make visitors feel they have stepped into a village reminiscent of French impressionist Claude Monet’s beloved town of Giverny.   Johnson’s sculptures have been inspired by impressionists’ paintings and the lily pond and footbridge have been inspired by the works of Monet. 
“Were  You Invited?” – 2001 by Seward Johnson in cast bronze and aluminum. 
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Nice butt”  Smile2011 oct sculpture garden 0232011 oct sculpture garden 0262011 oct sculpture garden 0272011 oct sculpture garden 0282011 oct sculpture garden 0292011 oct sculpture garden 031
Judy seems to have a new boyfriend. Smile  
We really enjoyed having the tour, since the guide talked about many of the sculptures and gave us information that we wouldn’t have if we did a self-guided tour.  In the sculpture below, even the clothes hanging on the wall were very realistic sculptures.
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“Girls just wanna have fun!”
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“WHAT THE HELL IS IT?”2011 oct sculpture garden 0492011 oct sculpture garden 0502011 oct sculpture garden 0512011 oct sculpture garden 052
Yes, we are looking into the butt of this sculpture.   Smile    There was a small “head” inside. 
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2011 oct sculpture garden 057
A new Happy Hatter?
2011 oct sculpture garden 059
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We had such a good time that we decided to go back in the Spring.   Mark your calendar for Wednesday, May 16th with a rain date of Thursday, May 17th.   Marlene and Marge will coordinate.
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Big Thanks to Judy A for helping to coordinate this wonderful day.   We ended our day in the coffee shop before we hit the road for our drive back to Smithville.
For more information -